Video of this post: Hi everyone, my name is Salimatou. I created Nabila Raine this past summer and actually put it out for everyone to see on October 13, 2017. So it has been also most two months now since I started and I couldn’t be happier. I feel great that I have a way to get my creativity out and it’s all up to me how I want to do it.
A notable milestone is the YouTube channel I created to correlate with this blog for the more visual people. I know everyone does not like to read lengthy posts and some do, so for that reason I believe having the best of both worlds is optimal for everyone.
What is Nabila Raine?
Nabila Raine is a lifestyle blog that covers self-care in different ways such as beauty, fashion, do it yourself projects, and advice/conversational pieces. Beauty is an important way to take care of your self. Because when you look good you feel good and when you feel good you do good.
This is important because whenever your self-esteem is boosted and you become comfortable with yourself your confidence is ultimately boosted. When you have confidence in yourself you reach for the stars and great things happen.
It’s important for us to understand beauty in our own terms and not by what society wants us to think beautiful is.
How did Nabila Raine get started?
This past summer I was in a very creative space. I was trying many different avenues to let out my creativity. There was everything from making jewelry, making clothes, & I low key started a choker line which I am currently still getting together and working on.
I also started to write.
I have wanted a way to let out my creative energy for a while now. It was probably senior year of high school is when I wanted to start a YouTube channel. But I always put it off. Why? Maybe because I was scared, a perfectionist (most definitely) and maybe because it just was not my time. All of these things contributed to why I did not start before. But here I am now four years later and a senior in college with a website/blog of my own and a YouTube channel! It took me a while but I’m proud of myself that I actually took this leap to just start.
If there is one thing I can say about doing something you love but you have doubts is to just start! What is the worst thing that can happen? It doesn’t go the way you planned and you reinvent yourself and start back up again!
Persistence and perseverance are the way to success! I always need to remind myself of this so this is a reminder for me as much as it is for anyone else.
Where Did The Name Nabila Raine Come From?
Nabila Raine means Queen of noble character. Nabila is Egyptian for of noble charter and Raine is French for a queen. I decided to choose this name because I was interested in African Queens and Royalty during this past summer. I feel like this was a great combination with a great meaning behind it and a little flow.
As women, we should always strive to be of noble character and just be better people in general for ourselves and those around us.
Now the name does say queen in it but my blog is not only limited to women. Men should also strive to be kings of noble character.
Motivation/Inspiration and General Betterment
Okay, that’s what I have for you all today. I hope you are ready to take this journey with me to self-betterment!!
-Xoxo Sali
I love it Salimatou! I’m so excited to keep up with this 🙂 Love you.
Thank you Habida! I appreciate the support! Love you too ❤️😊